A 6th grade teacher of mine once gave us advice that seemed, and still seems, to be impossible to follow. He told us that we should think seven times before we say something to make sure that our words are not harmful, foolish, or otherwise ill-advised. Of course, telling a room of 11-year olds to be thoughtful may seem like an exercise in futility, but as I grew up I realized that by setting the bar so high, this teacher may have really been aiming for us to think even once before speaking, something that seems like an ever-rarer occurrence in today's fast-paced, quick-response age.
Of course, the advice of my teacher is the answer to the question about Truman. President Truman understood that when we have something to say to someone, particularly when we are angry or worked up, we need to release those words as soon as possible. And so Truman did - onto the paper. The mere act of writing the letters was in itself therapeutic, but Truman realized that actually sending a letter written in a fit of pique would ultimately do more harm than good and damage relationships with people that he needed to work with. And so the letters went into the drawer, never to be seen by their intended
These thoughts come to mind as we are getting ready to embark on another school year. In our Middle School, it will be our second full year running a 1:1 iPad program. In thinking of the various pros and cons of such a program, one seemingly side issue comes to mind. By equipping our students with devices that are always online, we are providing them with an easy and quick way to contact their parents as soon as they feel the need to do so. While our long-standing policy to not allow cellphones in school largely muted constant communication between parents and children during the day, in this case the devices are completely legal and even sanctioned, and it is next to impossible to prevent students from switching to email when a teacher critiques them or a social situation explodes or they just feel like saying hi.
What is so wrong with this? Don't schools constantly speak about wanting to partner with parents in the education of their children? Aren't we happy that parents take an interest in what is going on in school? Well, yes - but we need to consider what is lost when that involvement becomes too much, too soon. I have received phone calls from parents complaining about something happening in a particular class while that class is still taking place. In other words, the child has not had the chance to speak with the teacher, to voice his or her displeasure or discomfort, to work to find a solution, to consult with the various other adults in the building who are here to help everyone work out various issues. Instead, the child has immediately circumvented the process and the parent has been complicit in doing so.
Why is this a problem? A big part of school, and certainly middle school, is gaining the social skills that one needs to navigate difficult situations in life. I have spent a good deal of time coaching students on how to approach teachers that they have had a disagreement with, and in most cases I insist that the student handle the situation on their own. More often than not, not only is the particular situation resolved, but the student gains a new appreciation for the teacher, and vice-versa, and future problems are often forestalled. When parents take the "snowplow" approach, trying to smooth a path for their children, they are sacrificing long-term social skills for short-term relief, to the ultimate detriment, not benefit, of their children.
When every adult is equipped with the ability to text and email immediately, it can be exceedingly tempting to make use of that ability all the time. I have spoken to many adults who have a hard time not reaching for their phones when they have a lull in their day. As we begin a new school year, it is important for us to realize that sometimes the fastest way is not always the best way.